Tell me more about yourself. /
Please introduce yourself.
回答範例1:有力簡答 (以市場調查人員為例)
I just graduated from ABC University, and I’ve obtained my bachelor’s degree in business management. Although I don’t have much working experience, I do have a passion for my work.
我剛從 ABC 大學畢業,我已取得企管的大學學位。雖然我沒有很多工作經驗,但是對工作充滿熱情。
Sure, no problem. Well, I grew up here in Taipei. After graduating from high school, I was accepted by National ABC University to major in business administration. While at ABC University, I began specializing in working with local market research firms, and I haven’t looked back since. I’ve been working in the market research field for over three years now, developing and implementing strategies that help business clients understand more about market trends and consumer needs. Over the years, I’ve developed strong analyzing skills, organizational skills, and most importantly a passion for my work.
好的,沒問題。嗯,我在台北長大。高中畢業之後,我便進入國立 ABC 大學主修企業管理。在 ABC 大學期間,我就開始專門與本地行銷研究公司合作,至今從沒改變過我的選擇。我已經在市場研究領域工作超過三年的時間,負責開發和執行可協助企業客戶更了解市場和消費者需求的策略。過去幾年間,我鍛鍊出了優秀的分析能力、組織能力,而最重要的是,我對工作的熱忱。
Tips 面試一點通!
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
I have good communication skills and I am able to speak English fluently. As for my weaknesses, well, I would say sometimes I pay too much attention to details.
I consider my communication skills and language ability my two strengths. This combination enables me to communicate with clients from around the world without any difficulties, and my boss is very complimentary about my work too. As for my weaknesses, well, I have to admit that sometimes I pay too much attention to details. When I am working on a task, I can’t help wanting to make sure everything is perfect and I spend lots of time checking over and over again. However, now I’ve come to a good balance by ensuring all my tasks are done accurately the first time.
Tips 面試一點通!
一般人都會覺得討論自己的長處或優點是個有點棘手的問題,其實只要把握一個原則——誠實描述即可,絕不可誇大。提到自己的長處或優點時,只提及與工作相關者為上策。若要討論的是個人的弱點,則有幾個策略: 第一,要將弱點淡化,改以正面的方式來呈現。比方說,若你是個「慢郎中」,可以較正面的方式說「個人比較注重細節,因此完成專案的時間會長一點。」其二,直接說出弱點,但要加強補充個人已採取行動做出的改變。比方說,「個人之前較不善於在眾人面前說話,但是在去年上了一系列簡報、溝通及談判技巧的課程之後,學到很多,現在上台報告已不再是個問題。」
Describe a mistake you made before and how you overcame it.
回答範例1:有力簡答 (以研發工程師為例)
I once ignored customers’ opinions and designed something that failed to satisfy my customers’ needs.
Well, one mistake in my career I’ve made so far is overlooking customers’ real needs. When I worked at Essential Tech. as a R&D Engineer, I was assigned to develop some electronic products. My administrator urged me to talk to some potential buyers and check what their preferences were before designing any products. However, I was overconfident about my own ideas and just went ahead to make a device prototype without consulting customers’ opinions in advance. It turned out that my ideal product was a failure in the market. But it was a good thing that I took proper actions afterwards. I asked the marketing department to conduct a focus group to collect customer feedback, and then modified some functions of the product based on customers’ opinions. I was pleased that my product was eventually well accepted by the market.
嗯,到目前為止,我在職涯中犯過一個錯誤,那就是忽略了客戶的真正需求。我在Essential Tech 當研發工程師時,曾被指派開發一些電子產品。我的主管叮嚀我在設計產品前先跟潛在客戶談談,看客戶喜歡什麼。但是,當時我對自己的點子太過自信,在沒事先詢問客戶意見的情況下就直接製作了產品的原型。結果我自認為的理想產品在市場上失敗了。但幸好我隨即採取了些適當的行動。我請行銷部門辦了一個焦點團體訪談以收集客戶的意見,然後根據這些客戶的意見來修改產品功能。我很高興我設計的產品最後被市場接受了。
Tips 面試一點通!
藉由這個問題可以了解到一個人的 problem solving ability(解決問題的能力)如何。老闆會提出此問題,不僅是想知道應徵者會如何看待其所遇到的問題,更想知道的是,他或她如何運用自己的能力化解這個問題。不需揣測老闆想聽的答案,而誇大地講述超出自己能力範圍的事例。
Why did you leave your last job? / Why did you quit your job?
I am eager to work in a more challenging environment where I can make better use of my skills and experience.
Well, I’ve been working for the same company in the same position for more than three years now, and it seems like there is not much room for me to advance with my current employer in the near future. So I am more interested in looking for bigger challenges and opportunities to apply my related sales skills and experience in a different capacity.
Tips 面試一點通!
Describe your work experience, and what is your most significant accomplishment?
回答範例1:有力簡答 (以系統整合專案為例)
I would say that closing the CSI deal is my most significant accomplishment. Not only did I put a lot of effort into the case, but I also learned to communicate well with team members and balance different opinions. It was a valuable experience for me.
我認為完成 CSI 專案是我最大的成就。我不僅花了很多的心力在上面,也從中學到如何跟團隊成員溝通,並權衡不同的意見。對我來說那是非常有價值的經驗。
I’ve been working in the CCI system integration company as a pre-sales representative for two years now. And for the most significant accomplishment, well, that would definitely be the CSI case which I just finished. It took me around six months to close the deal and I am pretty proud of it. For one thing, working on a big case like that required that I be very focused and goal-oriented. I worked closely with colleagues from sales and technical support departments and eventually came up with a suitable networking solution for the enterprise client to deploy. I definitely matured a lot working on that case. At the same time, I needed to have the ability to communicate with different types of people and to integrate constructive criticism into my planning. So I would say it was a huge growth experience for me.
我在 CCI 系統整合公司當業務代表已有兩年的時間。說到我最顯著的成就,嗯,那就非我剛完成的 CSI 專案莫屬了。那個案子我花了大約六個月才結案,為此我頗感驕傲。理由之一是,要處理像那樣的大案子我需要全神貫注朝目標前進。我和業務部和技術支援部的同事合作無間,最後設計出了一個最適合的系統連線方案讓企業客戶可進行作業。我確實從此案中成長不少。同時,我也需要具備和各式各樣的人溝通的能力,並將有建設性的批評建議整合到我的規劃當中。所以,我認為對我來說這是個非常重要的成長經驗。
Tips 面試一點通!
Tell me why you are the best candidate for this job. Can you give us a reason to hire you?
回答範例1:有力簡答 (以銷售業務職缺為例)
I believe I am the best candidate because I have sales experience, excellent communication skills, and outstanding English language ability.
You should hire me for three major reasons. The first reason is I have excellent sales skills. I have three years of sales experience and have achieved outstanding sales records. My clients like to buy things from me because I always maintain good relationships with them. The second reason you should hire me is related to my communication ability. I have received comprehensive and solid training in presentation and negotiation skills. Finally, you should hire me because of my bilingual ability. I am able to speak both Chinese and English fluently so I have confidence to help you expand the international market.
Tips 面試一點通!
□ In reviewing your company website, I’ve familiarized myself with your company mission and objectives.
□ I hope that I will have developed the competencies and experience to be considered for a [position].
□ Please allow about [number of days] to transfer my responsibilities to colleagues at my current employer.
□ My short-term objectives are to [do something] and [do something] within [time period.]
□ Besides the [training courses] I am taking, I would also like to obtain real hands-on experience by [doing something].
□ I am good at [doing something], and I want to apply my skills to benefit your company.
□ I would like to remain employed here as long I can make a positive contribution to the company.
□ I believe I am the best candidate because I have [adjective / noun] experience, [adjective / noun] skill, and [adjective / noun] ability.
□ I believe I can perform the job well, since I am [adjective], familiar with different [something], and have sufficient [something] experience.
□ Based on my experience and ability, I would say the range of a minimum of [amount] to a maximum of [amount] per month is reasonable.
就我的經驗和能力而言,我認為每月薪資落在最低〔 金額〕 和最高〔 金額〕 之間是合理的。
□ As I am still fresh, I am passionate about the job and excited to learn everything.
□ With my strong ability and experience I can start to achieve more for the company than someone with less experience.
節錄自:貝塔語言《外商.百大英文面試聖經/薛詠文 著 》